The Etiquette of Assassination

Number twenty-one came about as my entry to the Toyota Matrix Machinima contest, sponsored in conjunction with NCSoft and Spike GTTV. The theme of the contest was "Get In Touch With Your Dark Side", and what better way to do that than by showing the life of a villain?

The title ("The Etiquette of Assassination") comes from a writing prompt of mine that roiled around in my brain without release until the idea for this video came up. After that, it was easy.

The music for this video is my own remix of the track "Heroes1_Loop" from the game CITY OF HEROES.

The only difference between the version you'll find here (and on the SAMURAIKOPRODUCTIONS.COM website) and the one submitted as my entry is that the entry has neither my opening nor closing credits, per their rules. Other that that, the videos are identical.

Like my other videos, this one is tagged as Samuraiko Productions, for those who follow my work. Enjoy! (If you like my stuff, swing by the SAMURAIKOPRODUCTIONS.COM website for more videos that YouTube doesn't control.)

Footage from CITY OF HEROES and CITY OF VILLAINS, used per general permission from NCSoft/Cryptic Studios. Music is "Heroes1_Loop" from the game CITY OF HEROES, featuring an original remix by Michelle Travis. All rights reserved by their respective owners.
Upload Date: August 09, 2008
Videographer: Samuraiko Productions


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