Avatar: CoH Style!

My 39th video was actually supposed to be my 36th video - a while back I did a poll of the video my fans most wanted me to create, and this one won. But I got sidetracked doing the GOING ROGUE teaser and my FRUITS BASKET video, so this one went on the back burner. But now here it is, in all its twisted demo-edited glory... "Avatar: COH Style!"

Returning once again to the world of CITY OF HEROES, this video is part parody, part tribute, and all fun... thanks to the ingenuity of a fellow CoX player (@Burnin Up), and his hilarious one-shot arc "Developer Distress: Save the Secrets of the Architect System" (Arc ID: 39372 - PLAY IT!). His designs for the CoH developers' real personae were too good to pass up, and he generously allowed me to feature them in this video. So here you can see Matt "Positron" Miller, Joe "Hero 1" Morrissey, Floyd "Castle" Grubb, and Chris "Back Alley Brawler" Bruce, along with my (in)famous dark/psi defender flirt, Agent Andrea Blake (Justice server, Star Patrol SG)... like you've never seen them before!

(And the in-jokes and references abound in this video... some you might catch, others you might not... hard to say!)

However, this video would not have been possible without the absolutely terrific song "(Do You Wanna Date My) Avatar", by The Guild (featuring Felicia Day). It was so deliciously apt for CITY OF HEROES that I knew I just had to use it. Thankfully, I was able to get permission to use the song, so please remember to visit WatchTheGuild.com and show your support!

Like my other videos, this one is tagged as Samuraiko Productions, for those who follow my work. Enjoy!

Footage from CITY OF HEROES and CITY OF VILLAINS, used per general permission from NCSoft/Paragon Studios. Music is "(Do You Wanna Date My) Avatar" by The Guild (featuring Felicia Day). "Avatar" used courtesy of The Guild Management. All rights reserved by their respective owners.

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Upload Date: December 28, 2009
Videographer: Samuraiko Productions


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