Safe Within You (A Bella/Zach Tribute)

#58 - This one was a very special commission. Imagine my surprise when I got asked to do a tribute video... for Mercedes Lackey, and her characters Belladonna Aura and Zach Marlowe.

We chatted extensively about what she wanted, hammered out a script based on the storyline she'd given me, and then she cut me loose. "Make me cry," she said. Well, I think she did.

The end of Bella and Zach's story was forced upon Mercedes by the closure of CITY OF HEROES, a game near and dear to both our hearts. For two creative spirits, this was a heartbreaking event for us both. Still, out of sorrow comes something of meaning. I am privileged and grateful that I was able to make this for her, thus preserving a story that might otherwise have been lost.

The music, as chosen by Mercedes, is VNV Nation's "Illusion."

Like my other videos, this one is tagged as Samuraiko Productions, for those who follow my work. Enjoy!

Footage from CITY OF HEROES and CITY OF VILLAINS, used per general permission from NCSoft/Paragon Studios. Music is "Illusion" by VNV. All rights reserved by their respective owners.
Upload Date: December 4th, 2012
Videographer: Samuraiko Productions


Unknown said...

So amazing. I read the storyline just now on the CCCP website. Wow. That made me cry too. I miss COH so much. So sad.

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