Number thirty has arrived in the form of a trailer for CITY OF HEROES' latest issue, #13: Power and Responsibility! Once again, I have beaten the deadline for an issue release, this time by at least twelve hours! (And thank God, unlike with Issue 12, I did not have food poisoning while making this video.)Upload Date: December 01, 2008
With this video, I took a slightly different tack than I have on some of my earlier ones. As a lot of the changes in the issue had to deal with the game itself, you'll see a lot more in-game FRAPS footage to show the technical changes made (such as Levelling Pacts, Costume Saves, and so on). But there's still some awesome story stuff going on, and I just had to include that!
For this trailer's music, I edited together two pieces from the absolutely rocking score to THE ONE by Trevor Rabin - "The Ritual" and "Growing Stronger". They went so well together that they just flow as one piece of music. The funny thing is, for the longest time I had no idea what music to use, then I finally tracked down this score and bingo, I had my music!
(The funny thing is, I put the wrong composer's name in the end credits - I have it listed as Graeme Revell, who did the OTHER score I was thinking of using... my bad!)
Like my other videos, this one is tagged as Samuraiko Productions, for those who follow my work. Enjoy!
(If you like my stuff, swing by the SAMURAIKOPRODUCTIONS.COM website for more videos that YouTube doesn't control.)
Footage from CITY OF HEROES and CITY OF VILLAINS, used per general permission from NCSoft/Cryptic Studios. Music is "The Ritual" and "Growing Stronger" by Trevor Rabin from his score for THE ONE. All rights reserved by their respective owners.
#34 - Most Viewed (Today) - Film & Animation - United Kingdom
Videographer: Samuraiko Productions
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